Saturday, November 15, 2014

Facebook Integration

Adding a Facebook feed to your home page of your website is a good idea.

When you add a live Facebook feed to your home page you are creating fresh content for your website homepage every time you write on your wall on Facebook.

Facebook Integration is Good!
As you engage your fans and friends on Facebook you will be building your brand. As you build your brand, future customers will gravitate to your Facebook page and in turn will link to your Website. As you write content on your Facebook wall these will automatically feed into your website homepage. This creates a reciprocal back link that has good value. As people navigate from your Facebook page to your website and then navigate from your website to your Facebook page an invaluable give and take is created that hopefully will generate good traffic that Google will value. Google likes traffic flows so the more traffic that flows through your website and Facebook page the better.

Creating a Facebook feed on your homepage is creating a conduit for all of this Internet traffic. So consider the Facebook feed as a road well traveled between your website and your Facebook page.

Nuff said.....

Jeffrey Dean
LMS Website Services

Saturday, November 1, 2014

SEO Huh Continued 3.....

SEO Huh Continued 3.....

So how do you acquire back links? Well these days you need to earn all of your back links. How do you do that?

Well, one way is to create a blog. Like this one. After all, you are the expert in your field, so who knows more about your business than you do? So you need to express yourself in a blog about your business. What do you think people would be interested in when it comes to your field of expertise? Are there things that somebody would find interesting?

People search all over the Internet for things that they find of interest. Things that they may need to learn about. I know I search Google every time I need some information about something. For example: I was looking into stand by generators. Now I really don't know much about stand by generators so I Googled it! Of the over 18 million results (really?) I of course clicked on the results that were mainly on the first page. If I didn't find what I was looking for I would head for the second page. That's about as far as I go. If I need more info, I will try a different search term and try again. So you see, it's imperative that you end up on the first page of Google's search results if you want to be found by your prospective customers.

Writing a blog about your specific business and then back linking to your site will create a couple of fresh, new back links for you. And the best SEO juice comes from when someone else finds your blog interesting and then links it to maybe their Facebook page, Pinterest Page, Twitter etc. When they link your blog or website to their Facebook page you now have a relevant and new back link! The more people that share your blog/ website, the more links your collect and the more relevant you end up to Google (and hence higher up the rankings you go). As you can see, this can balloon into a large collection of new back links for you as more and more people link you.

So you can see the importance of writing a blog. This is just one way of collecting back links. Another is when a company links your site from their website. And the more relevant the site the better. Also, if the linking company site is big in your particular industry, even better. For example: if I have a flooring site and Mohawk (a large flooring manufacturer) puts a link to my site (probably in their "find a dealer near you" area) then this creates the ideal back link. It's from a large respected company within the same field as my company. This will be a high quality back link and that's what Google is looking for more than lots of low quality back links (such as in the old days where you could buy back links to a large number of sites. Google will penalize you now for these).

Back links, high quality back links and lots of high quality back links. That's the formula for a successful SEO campaign. Nuff said for now......

Jeffrey Dean
LMS Website Services